Maximizing Lead Generation for Google PPC

Target Audience

Leveraging meticulously crafted buyer personas, honed through extensive demographic research and analytical tools, our campaign tailored its approach to resonate with the specific needs and behaviors of our target audience.


Our campaign's success was underpinned by a robust strategic framework:

  • Keyword Research: Thorough keyword research, utilizing tools like GKP and Semrush, identified high-intent keywords relevant to office cleaning services in Melbourne.

  • A/B Testing: Rigorous A/B testing of ad copies allowed for refinement and optimization of ad content for both search and display campaigns.

  • Audience Targeting: Leveraging GA4, we employed retargeting techniques to engage previously visited website users and created custom search audiences, ensuring precise targeting and maximum campaign effectiveness.


Executing the strategy with precision:

  • Ad Refinement: We deployed adjusted ad formats to retarget website visitors, capitalizing on special occasions and events.


The campaign's performance metrics were nothing short of impressive:

  • Budget: With a budget of [your Budget], the campaign yielded substantial results.

  • Lead Generation: [lead generation count] lead forms and [phone call count] phone calls were generated, showcasing the campaign's effectiveness in driving engagement.

  • Conversion: Out of the leads generated, [form submission count] form submissions and [closed deal count] phone calls translated into closed deals.

Key Takeaways

This case study highlights the importance of strategic advertising and promotions:

  • Keyword Research: Thorough research lays the foundation for effective targeting.

  • A/B Testing: Continuous testing and refinement optimize ad performance.

  • Retargeting: Engaging with previously interested users enhances conversion rates.

  • Adaptability: Capitalizing on events and offering discounts can significantly boost campaign performance.

By implementing these strategies and staying informed about industry trends, we achieved remarkable success in lead generation and client acquisition through Google PPC.

Introduction and Campaign Goals

The primary objective of our Google PPC campaign was crystal clear: target individuals actively seeking solutions through search and display ads, driving conversions, and establishing a robust client base.